Join the FREE Challenge!
Monday, February 10th–Friday, february 14th, 2025, 9 am PACIFIC each day

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


The 5-Day Keyboard Rich Bookkeeping Challenge

Learn How It's Possible to Make a Great Living Working Remotely by Starting a Simple Bookkeeping Business

5 Days, Just 90 Minutes a Day
Starting February 10th, 2025

 Hands Down: 

Virtual Bookkeeping Is THE LEGITIMATE Way to Take Complete Control Over Your Finances & Schedule

Why? Because…

  • Bookkeepers are in extremely high (unmet) demand
  • PLUS – they will always be in demand. Businesses can’t avoid doing their books.
  • ​Bookkeeping is a "beginner-friendly" skill that can be learned even faster with the right training
  • ​Virtual bookkeepers have the freedom of setting their own schedules and serving their clients whenever they want and from wherever they want.
  • ​​Virtual bookkeeping is one of the most profitable businesses to start, according to Inc Magazine.

You Can Finally Stop Wasting Your Time with All Those Crazy "Business Opportunities"

Because the Keyboard Rich Challenge Is Going to Show How It's Possible to Make a Great Living without Sacrificing Precious Family Time—During Our 5-Day Challenge!

“But Is the
Keyboard Rich
Bookkeeping Challenge

Right for Me?”

Most likely, YES! Especially if at least ONE of these statements feels true for you…

  • Wanting to ditch the 9–5. (Or supplement your finances with a schedule that works for you.)
  • Stay-at-home parents who are ready to “get back to work” but don’t want to give up the freedom of being able to spend precious time with family.
  • Already a bookkeeper or accountant but want more freedom—setting your own hours and rates while working with really great clients.
  • ​Retired or semi-retired but not quite ready to reduce finances. Looking for a flexible way to continue earning without a full time schedule.
  • Simply want more out of life and know that having an in-demand skill + your own business can help you become the hero of your life story.

If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then YES! This FREE 5-Day Keyboard Rich Challenge was designed to help you take complete control of your finances and schedule. 

From the Guy Who’s Helped 8,000+ Others Become "Keyboard Rich"

From: Bill Von Fumetti

Dear Freedom Seeker:

If you want to start one of the ONLY businesses that will keep you IN DEMAND (aka fully booked with clients) while being able to serve those clients from wherever and whenever you want… without needing to learn a bunch of advanced marketing tactics or being “good at sales” just to make ends meet…

… then you’re in the right place.

Here’s the story:

Surrounded by boulders and volcanic rock, my wife and I listened to the crash of the ocean waves as we enjoyed our last Hawaiian sunset before heading back to California the next day.

As the waitress came by to pick up my wife’s empty glass and offer her another, she asked…

“You guys are here all the time. What part of the island are you from?”

“Oh, we’re not from here,” I said. “We live in Los Angeles.”

She stopped in her tracks, raised her eyebrows in surprise, and said, “You must have retired early then?”

“No, I still work and Elizabeth takes care of our two kids.”

You could see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure us out.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for a living that allows you to travel so much?”

“I run a bookkeeping business. And since it’s mostly organizing and putting things in the right place… and the software I use does most of the heavy lifting for me… I have free time to enjoy with my family.”

Now she was MORE than interested.

“Wait!” she exclaimed. “You make enough to live in Los Angeles, have two kids, and travel to Hawaii all the time… as a bookkeeper?”

“You got it!”

And it’s not just me.

In fact, I've helped over 8,000 people...teaching them how to do bookkeeping and how to market themselves so they can fund their lifestyles.

And it's a "beginner-friendly" skill that can be learned even faster with the right training!

Which can provide fulfillment in all areas of life—financial, time freedom, and family life, too.

Now, THAT’S what I call Keyboard Rich.
And you’re next, friend!

Join Bill Von Fumetti At The 5-Day

Keyboard Rich
Bookkeeping Challenge

Monday, February 10th–Friday, February 14th, 2025 • 9 am PT daily

When you say “yes” and join the FREE challenge today, we’ll show you, in just 90 minutes a day for 5 days, how to easily (and quickly) start a bookkeeping business, even if you’re not a math whiz and hate the idea of “selling.”

Here’s What You Can Expect from the 5-Day Challenge:

  DAY 1

What Is a Virtual Bookkeeping Business
(And Why Is It Better Than All Those Crazy "Online Opportunities" Out There)?

On Day 1 of the Keyboard Rich Challenge, you’ll discover:
  • How starting a virtual bookkeeping business can help you create financial freedom + more time with your family & time for yourself, too!
  • Why this is great for beginners. (Spoiler Alert: You don't need a college degree or to have any special “sales” skills to get paying clients.)
  • The very few things you need to start your business THIS week—and the stuff you DON’T need that will only waste your time. 

  DAY 2

Make Bookkeeping as Easy as
Organizing Your Closet

On Day 2, you’re going to get a behind-the-scenes (and over-the-shoulder) look at the most simple methods to keep the “books” of someone’s business.

Which works even if you’re terrified of math, or if you’re only just learning the term “bookkeeping” right now. 

You’ll even get hands-on practice in QuickBooks as you follow along with me.

  DAY 3

The Secret to Never Screwing Up
Someone’s Books… Ever

Not only will you get access to tools that ensure your work is bulletproof…

You’ll also get your very own FREE QuickBooks account on Day 3 (which we will set up together—click by click).

This account is the ONLY thing you need—besides a computer—to run your bookkeeping business.

AND we’ll do more hands-on work inside of QuickBooks so you feel CONFIDENT & ready for clients!

  DAY 4

The Lazy Introvert’s Guide to
Getting Clients

Your future clients are EVERYWHERE! With your new in-demand skill (bookkeeping), you only need a few simple marketing strategies to find clients who want to work with you.

Hint: They won’t care that you’re brand-new, so long as you have THIS. (We’ll cover it on Day 4.)

  DAY 5

From Prospect to Paid

On Day 5, you’ll learn the 3-question script that turns new prospects into PAYING clients.

Without you having to “sell” a thing.

You’ll also learn exactly how much to charge—removing all the guesswork of trying to figure it out on your own.

BONUS: I’ll even teach you how to turn your bookkeeping business into a PASSIVE opportunity, if you’d like to work even LESS.

But Hurry! The FREE Challenge 
Is Starting Soon…

We’ll all be together starting Monday, February 10th, 2025. Which means you need to save your seat now to make sure you don’t miss it.

Don’t Wait! Join the FREE Keyboard Rich Challenge Right Now!

Who’s Running This Challenge?


As the general manager of a fitness center, I was stressed to the max, I could barely afford to pay my bills, and was even having night terrors.

(Which was a real treat for my wife… NOT!)

Until I talked with the gym’s bookkeeper one day and learned that she was charging us $3,000 per month while she worked from home and served multiple clients! (Presumably, charging each of THEM $3,000 per month as well!)

I didn’t know anything about bookkeeping or accounting, but I found it easy to learn, and a couple years later…

I had a thriving, multiple 6-figure bookkeeping business. (Goodbye night terrors!)

Since then, I’ve taught over 8,000 others how to start successful bookkeeping businesses. 

I even wrote a Wall Street Journal best-selling book, Keyboard Rich. And I’ve spoken at the premiere accounting conference in the world, QuickBooks Connect.

Most importantly, my students are making more money, spending more time with their families, traveling more, and feeling secure about their future, too!

Here’s What People Are Saying about Learning from Bill!

6 Figures in Less Than One Year!!

“Bill makes starting your own business EASY. In fact, I reached 6 figures in less than one year!
Daily W.

$1,495 / Month Client AND A $10,000 Cleanup Fee!!

“I am so grateful for Bill. I’ve just landed my first client for $1,495 a month. And a cleanup fee of $10,000. Thank you SO much!!!”

Just Hit the $200k-per-Year Milestone!!

“I’m not spending a dime on marketing, other than paying to host my website. Yesterday, I signed a client that put me over $200,000 in annual billing. This doesn’t even include set-up fees or tax returns. This is JUST for recurring monthly billings. This is what’s possible when you learn from Bill!”

6-Figure Business in 11 Months with No Prior Experience!!

Maura Davis started from zero, but very quickly was able to start and grow her own bookkeeping business, quit her previous job, double her previous salary, and gain countless hours back with her family in less than a year.

All while raising her kids, too!

Maura D.

6 Figures in Less Than 6 Months!!

“For 3 YEARS, I wanted to start a bookkeeping business, but I didn’t have the courage. It wasn’t until I had Bill’s step-by-step techniques as a guide that I was able to not only begin, but also quickly grow to 6 figures in less than 6 months.”
Lisette A.

Said “Goodbye!” to Her 9–5!!

“I have built my new business to the point that I have surpassed my past full-time paycheck AND have paid for business insurance and health insurance. I’m now a small business owner, working 100% from home, calling my own shots, and PROUD that I did it at 58 years old.  I’m the best boss I’ve ever had!”

Quit Demanding Restaurant Job & Made $100k!!

“My bookkeeping business allowed me to quit my demanding restaurant management job, spend the holidays with my new baby boy, and replace my salary within the first month!

Not only that, I gave myself a pay raise while working fewer hours! I’m now making over $100k per year with more flexibility than ever.”

Lauren S.

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family?

Replaced Salary in 8 Months!!

Jimmie worked hard at his job to earn the incentive bonuses that his boss offered. But each time he hit his marks, his boss would come up with excuses and refuse to pay him the bonus. 

So, he built a bookkeeping business on the side and 8 months later had replaced his salary. He walked into this boss’s office… and quit!

Jimmie N.

Earning $5k per Month While Working Part Time!!

“Woohoooooo! I just got signed engagement for another $1,200/month. My monthly revenue is a little over $5,000 now and I’m only doing this part time.”

First Client ($22,000) after 6 Days!!

“Happy to share that I just received my first signed engagement letter today. $22,000 for a cleanup AND $1,000 per month after that. Bill’s teachings were a tremendous help!”

$75,000 in 8 Months!!

“There’s no way I would have made it this far, this quick, without Bill’s help. Thank you for the support! I can’t stop smiling.”

$25,000 with Just 3 Contracts!!

“YAAA! Just signed my third contract! $14,000 cleanup and $600 a month! Halfway to my $50k goal. I can’t thank Bill and his team enough!”

Making $75k on the Side!!

While working full time, Jason started his bookkeeping business and earned $75,000 per year on the side!

Jason K.

Signed 5 Clients in One Day!!

“I just wanted to say thanks to Bill. I had one client and then just got 5 more today! I started with absolutely no bookkeeping or accounting knowledge and limited time to devote to the process.

Thank you for changing the future for me and my kids. I’m so grateful!”


Signed 12 Clients!!

I live in a small town so I thought there was no way I could build a successful bookkeeping business. But now I have! 

Just signed 3 new clients this week—making it a total of 12. I am LOVING it!”


$100k Business in 1 Year!!

“It’s my anniversary of working with Bill! And I have to thank him and his team for helping to make my dream come true. 

I just signed a client who put me over my 100k/year goal. I LOVE working from home, being available to my family, and helping small businesses.”


There’s a Life You’ve Been Wanting to Live.
It’s Time to Do the Thing That Will Allow You to Live It.

I’ll Help You Get Started, in Just 5 Days.

Join the Keyboard Rich Challenge Now!

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family?

Here’s What You Can Expect 

from the Keyboard Rich Challenge…

BEFORE the Challenge

  • Frustrated with your current financial situation.
  • ​Sick of being “trapped” in your 9–5 OR ready to get back to work after being a full-time stay-at-home parent.
  • Sick of wasting time with all the crazy "business opportunities" that are out there.
  • ​Feeling helpless—like you don’t have any skills that people would pay for.
  • ​Completely confused on how you would go about getting clients.
  • ​Fed up with not having the money (or the time) to do the stuff you REALLY want to experience in life.

AFTER the Challenge

  • A legitimate (and in-demand) skill that businesses love paying for.
  • A vehicle for profiting more than most MLMers, drop shippers, day traders, online course creators, and even real estate investors.
  • Tools to make sure that you NEVER mess up a client’s books. Ever.
  • The simplest marketing “strategies” to fill your business with all the clients you need.
  • ​An exact script (just 3 questions) to turn prospects into paying clients—without “selling” anything.
  • A path forward to STOP commuting to work, dealing with toxic bosses, missing special moments with your family, and having to ask for sick days off.

Here’s Everything You Get

When You Sign Up For The 5-Day  Keyboard Rich Challenge TODAY!

  • 5 days of learning how to start a booming bookkeeping business—aka the legitimate way to take complete control over your income and schedule!
  • Step-by-step training videos each day of the challenge (including daily replays if you can't attend a challenge session)
  • ​Hands-on training inside QuickBooks to learn the simple way to do real bookkeeping work
  • How to check your work to make sure everything's accurate...never worry about messing up a client's books!
  • ​​The top 2 ways of getting clients from the comfort of your home...even if you're new to bookkeeping
  • Exactly what to say to prospects on the phone to get them excited to work with you
  • ​​How to price your services so you can be confident your business is as profitable as possible
  • ​​Free Gift #1: A free QuickBooks Online Accountant account—the only thing you really need to run your bookkeeping business
  • ​​Free Gift #2: Access to our private community with additional resources and an opportunity to interact with other budding bookkeepers—just like you
  • Free Gift #3: ​The chance to win one of THREE Major Prizes to help with your business. (a laptop, dual monitors, or an iPhone!!)

Normally: $1997

Today's Price: 100% FREE!


5-Day FREE Virtual Event: The Keyboard Rich Challenge


Monday–Friday @ 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET
February 10th–14th, 2025
90 minutes per day


So you can finally discover how to afford the life you want to live with enough free time to actually enjoy it!

Common Questions About The Keyboard Rich Challenge...

Click any of the questions to see the answer

The time will not work for me at 9am Pacific. Can I still participate?


While the challenge will begin every day at 9am Pacific, you'll still be able to watch the replays if you can't attend. That said, please make EVERY EFFORT to attend on time as you'll benefit greatly from how interactive the challenge is. If you simply cannot make a session, you'll want to be sure to watch the replay later the same day so you don't fall behind.

Where do the challenge sessions take place?

The challenge training sessions will be broadcast via Zoom. You'll also get access to the Keyboard Rich Challenge Facebook group that will allow you to post your homework, earn prizes, and connect with your fellow challengers. If you don't use Facebook, we can provide an alternative way for you to do those things.

How much money does this business take to start?

In many cases, nothing! On Day 1 of the challenge, you'll learn how you can start your bookkeeping business with just a computer and a free QuickBooks account (that I'll also show you how to get).

I don't know anything about bookkeeping. Can I still be successful?

Absolutely! Most of the people who join the Keyboard Rich Challenge have no prior bookkeeping knowledge. We'll teach you what you need to know to be successful.

Why does Bill teach this if he also has a bookkeeping business?

Several years ago when I wanted to start a family but I was struggling to make ends meet, I was given the gift of being introduced to the world of bookkeeping. Starting a bookkeeping business completely changed the trajectory of my life and I find it very fulfilling passing that gift on to others.
©2025 Booming Bookkeeping Business, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

In the interest of full disclosure, at the end of the training, I will be offering an opportunity to work directly with me to help you implement the strategies discussed. This is completely optional. While my assistance may shorten your learning curve and improve your results, it is by no means necessary for you to begin implementing what you learn in the training on your own right away.

DISCLAIMER: Your level of success in attaining the results you desire depends on many factors, including (but not limited to) the time you devote to the strategies discussed, your background, experience, and work ethic. The average person who follows any "how to" information gets little to no results. All business entails risk and requires substantial and consistent effort. If you're not willing to accept that, this training is not for you.
©2025 Booming Bookkeeping Business, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

In the interest of full disclosure, at the end of the training, I will be offering an opportunity to work directly with me to help you implement the strategies discussed. This is completely optional. While my assistance may shorten your learning curve and improve your results, it is by no means necessary for you to begin implementing what you learn in the training on your own right away.

DISCLAIMER: Your level of success in attaining the results you desire depends on many factors, including (but not limited to) the time you devote to the strategies discussed, your background, experience, and work ethic. The average person who follows any "how to" information gets little to no results. All business entails risk and requires substantial and consistent effort. If you're not willing to accept that, this training is not for you.